Dispelling the Myth: Really Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth?

Last updated on January 15th, 2024 at 06:16 pm

Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth?

The simplest answer is “No”!

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that coffee stunts human growth. 

The idea that coffee consumption can affect a person’s height or growth is a common myth. Studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption does not have any significant impact on bone density or growth in children and adolescents.

In a world fueled by caffeine, the debate on whether drinking coffee can stunt your growth has been brewing for decades. But is there any truth to this common myth?

Dispelling the misconceptions surrounding coffee consumption, it’s time to separate fact from fiction. Contrary to popular belief, scientific studies have conclusively shown that coffee does not have any effect on human height.

Several large-scale research studies have been conducted, reflecting no relevant correlation between coffee consumption and growth development in individuals of all ages.

The myth can be traced back to an old wives’ tale that caffeine could potentially impact bone development, leading to stunted growth. However, these claims were debunked years ago.

The truth is, that coffee is a rich source of antioxidants and essential nutrients, such as magnesium and potassium, which promote overall health and well-being. With its ability to boost cognitive function and increase focus, coffee has become a staple in many people’s daily routines.

So, fear not coffee enthusiasts – enjoy your daily cup of Joe without worrying about diminishing your height. It’s time to debunk the long-standing myth and embrace the caffeinated goodness without guilt.

does coffee stunt your growth or does coffee stunt growth in general? The answer is NO!
Coffee Drink Does Not Affect Human Growth

Debunking the Myth: Coffee Consumption and Growth

Some people are concerned about coffee’s potential impact on growth, particularly in children and adolescents.

This article debunks the myth that coffee consumption can affect a person’s height or growth.

Scientific evidence demonstrates that drinking coffee does not significantly impact bone health, calcium absorption, and overall growth in young people.

The Myth and Its Origin:

Quite a few people have this question in their mind: does coffee stunt your growth?

The belief that coffee consumption does stunt growth stems from the misconception that caffeine, the primary stimulant in coffee, negatively affects bone health and calcium absorption.

The notion that caffeine stunts proper growth and development has been passed down through generations, leading to concerns among parents and health-conscious people.

Scientific Evidence:

Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the relationship between coffee consumption and growth in children and adolescents. Scientific researches find that moderate coffee intake does not have a significant impact on bone density or linear growth.

Bone Health:

One key aspect often linked to growth concerns is bone health. Calcium is crucial for maintaining strong bones, and there are fears that caffeine could interfere with calcium absorption, thereby affecting skeletal development.

However, studies have shown that the effects of caffeine on calcium excretion are temporary and minimal, with no long-term impact on bone health (Heaney et al., 2000)[1].

A study conducted by Lloyd et al. (1998) on the effects of caffeine on bone mineral density in children and adolescents concluded that moderate caffeine consumption, including that from coffee, did not significantly affect bone density[2]

Growth and Height:

The growth plates located at the ends of long bones are responsible for linear growth. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that coffee consumption affects these growth plates or hampers overall height progression[3].


Does coffee stunt your growth? No!!![4]

By debunking this myth, people can make informed decisions about their coffee consumption without unnecessary worries about its impact on their growth.

Scientific evidence supports the view that moderate coffee intake can be enjoyed without concerns about stunting growth or compromising overall health and development.


While excessive caffeine consumption can have some negative effects, such as insomnia, nervousness, or increased heart rate, it does not directly affect the growth plates responsible for linear growth in children and teenagers.

It’s worth noting that the effect of caffeine can vary from person to person, and some people may be more sensitive to its effects.

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Excessive Caffeine Consumption Can Lead To Some Health Issues

It is important to emphasize the significance of consuming coffee and other caffeinated beverages in moderation, particularly for children and teenagers.

While coffee does not directly stunt growth, excessive caffeine intake can have other negative health effects that should be considered[5].

Children and teenagers are more susceptible to the effects of caffeine due to their developing physiological systems.

Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to issues such as insomnia, nervousness, increased heart rate, and potential interference with nutrient absorption.

Moreover, reliance on caffeine for energy or as a substitute for proper nutrition can disrupt the overall dietary balance[6].

Therefore, it is wise to monitor and limit caffeine intake among young people.

Encouraging a well-balanced diet, promoting healthy sleep patterns, and fostering alternative strategies for energy and focus, such as regular physical activity, can contribute to their overall growth and well-being.

By striking a balance and avoiding excessive caffeine consumption, people can enjoy the benefits of coffee without compromising their health or growth.


Heaney RP, Rafferty K. Carbonated beverages and urinary calcium excretion. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2001;74(3):343

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