All About Latte: 3 Pieces of AI-Generated Content

Last updated on January 21st, 2024 at 10:07 am

This article is drastically different from all the other articles I ever wrote on this blog.

Sometime in Dec 2023, Neil Patel wrote a blog post on his website,, the article title is “My Favorite 5 Prompts for Marketers Using ChatGPT & Bard [ Plus The Prompt I Use to Create Blog Posts]. In the article, Neil listed 5 prompts each for ChatGPT, and Bard, and one extra prompt as a bonus. Total eleven prompts.

After reading his article I was curious whether his prompts would work. I put his prompts to the test. This blog post is the result of these tests and the following articles about “latte” under the subtitles are all generated by Bard.

Background of AI-Generated Articles About 'Latte'

Before I show you these AI-generated articles, I just need to give you some background about the prompts I used and explain each different version of the AI-generated article.

Neil’s original prompt I chose to use is “Prompt #1: Please write a blog post about [insert topic] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction.” This is the prompt for Bard. In the hard bracket, I put [latte] to test Bard.

First, I used this prompt without any modification. The Bard-generated article was hard to read judged by my standard, and veered off the topic or keyword “latte” by quite a bit. In the first paragraph of the article it mentioned pumpkin latte, but you can see there is nowhere in the prompt ever mentioned anything even closer to the subject of pumpkin latte whatsoever.

Second, in the prompt, I added my modification to the original prompt, “Do not mention anything about pumpkin, we are just talking about the regular latte.” The article came back was a better version but still hard to read as a blog I can relate to.

At last, I modified the prompt with the additional command “Write in the style at an 8th-grade level, please”. The third version was much better. In my opinion, it still has quite some room to improve its readability and choice of words.

I post these versions below, and you will be the judge. I changed nothing in these articles other than correcting a few misspellings. Please leave comments if you have any interesting stories about AI-generated content.

Article 1 with Original Prompt

The original prompt for an article about 'latte': 'Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction.'
Original Prompt

The prompt is:

‘Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction.’

The Latte: Beyond the Pumpkin Spice and Instagram Foam Art (V01)

The aroma of freshly roasted beans hangs heavy in the air. Sunlight streams through the cafe window, illuminating a symphony of clinking spoons and whispered conversations. In your hand, a ceramic mug cradles a frothy masterpiece, its latte art a fleeting canvas of swirling milk and espresso. This, my friends, is the latte, a beverage that transcends mere caffeine delivery to become a cultural touchstone, a daily ritual, and for some, a liquid hug in a mug.

But beyond the ubiquitous pumpkin spice craze and the perfectly sculpted latte art lies a story richer than you might imagine. A story that stretches from the bustling streets of Italy to the quiet corners of independent coffee shops, a story woven with innovation, rebellion, and the relentless pursuit of the perfect cup.

Let’s dive deep, shall we? Forget the sugar-laden syrups and trendy toppings. Today, we’re peeling back the layers of the latte, exploring its lesser-known facets, and uncovering some surprising facts:

  1. A Rebellious Birth: Contrary to popular belief, the latte wasn’t born in some Seattle hipster haven. Its origins lie in the working-class cafes of 19th-century Italy, where it was known as “caffè e latte,” a simple combination of espresso and steamed milk enjoyed by laborers seeking a quick pick-me-up. It wasn’t until the 1950s, when American coffee culture collided with Italian tradition, that the latte as we know it emerged. And it wasn’t exactly met with open arms. Purists scoffed, deeming it an abomination, a bastardization of the pure espresso experience. But the latte, fueled by its inherent deliciousness and affordability, persevered, eventually conquering the world, one frothy sip at a time.
  2. The Science of the Sip: The perfect latte is a delicate dance of temperature, pressure, and ratios. The espresso, the heart of the latte, must be brewed at a precise temperature (around 90-96°C) to extract the maximum flavor. The milk, steamed to a silky microfoam consistency, adds sweetness and texture, creating a symphony of contrasting flavors and textures. Did you know that the ideal milk-to-espresso ratio for a latte is 2:1? It’s all about achieving that perfect balance of coffee strength and milky creaminess.
  3. Beyond the Bean: While the classic latte remains a timeless favorite, the coffee world is constantly evolving. Today, baristas are pushing the boundaries, experimenting with alternative milk like oats, almonds, and even soy, catering to dietary needs and expanding the latte’s reach. And for the adventurous, there are flavor infusions, from lavender and rose to chai and even bacon (yes, you read that right!).
  4. A Global Phenomenon: The latte is more than just a drink; it’s a cultural touchstone. Studies show that latte consumption is on the rise globally, with the Asia-Pacific region leading the charge. In South Korea, for instance, cafes are ubiquitous, serving as social hubs and workspaces, fueled by an endless stream of lattes. In Japan, latte art has reached an almost artistic level, with baristas creating intricate designs that rival Michelangelo’s ceiling.

So, the next time you raise that mug of latte to your lips, take a moment to appreciate its rich history, its complex science, and its global reach. It’s not just a coffee drink; it’s a symbol of human ingenuity, a testament to our love for flavor, and a reminder that sometimes, the simplest things in life can be the most extraordinary.

Now, go forth and explore the world of latte, one sip at a time. And who knows, maybe you’ll even discover your own perfect latte story.


Article 2 with One Modification

Second prompt with my modification: 'Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction. Do not mention anything about pumpkin, we are just talking about regular latte.'
Second Prompt With Simple Modification

This prompt is:

‘Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction.
Do not mention anything about pumpkin, we are just talking about the regular latte.’

Confessions of a Latte Loyalist: Beyond the Buzz, a Love Story (V02)

The steam dances a graceful ballet above the ceramic rim, swirling tendrils teasing my nose with warm whispers of espresso and toasted caramel. My fingers, instinctively tracing the ridges of the mug, absorb the comforting heat. This, my friends, is not just a coffee. This is a latte, and mine is a love story that stretches back years, brewed from unwavering devotion and countless sips.

Forget the fleeting fads and sugary syrups. This is a tale of the pure and unadulterated latte, an ode to the perfect marriage of espresso’s robust soul and steamed milk’s gentle embrace. A story whispered amidst coffee shop murmurs, punctuated by the rhythmic hiss of espresso machines and the clinking of spoons against porcelain.

But did you know that beneath this frothy facade lies a history as rich and layered as the espresso itself? Did you know that its origins trace back not to some Seattle hipster haven, but to the bustling working-class cafes of 19th-century Italy? Back then, it was known as “caffè e latte,” a humble concoction fueling laborers with a much-needed mid-morning jolt. It wasn’t until the 1950s, through a serendipitous collision of American coffee culture and Italian tradition, that our beloved latte truly bloomed.

And bloom it did! Statistics reveal a global love affair with this creamy cup. The International Coffee Organization reports that latte consumption is skyrocketing, with the Asia-Pacific region leading the charge. In South Korea, cafes are havens, fueled by an endless stream of lattes and bustling with social chatter and the quiet hum of productivity. Japan, meanwhile, has elevated latte art to an almost artistic level, with baristas transforming milk into fleeting masterpieces that rival Van Gogh’s brushstrokes.

But the magic of the latte transcends mere numbers. It’s in the way it melts away morning grogginess, replacing it with a comforting warmth that seeps into your bones. It’s in the frothy swirl that tickles your nose with the aroma of roasted beans, a promise of sweet, creamy bliss. It’s in the quiet moments of solitude, where each sip becomes a mindful meditation, a pause in the day’s chaos to savor the simple pleasure of good coffee.

So, the next time you hold that latte in your hand, remember, it’s more than just a caffeine fix. It’s a testament to human ingenuity, a story of cultural exchange, and a love song to the simple joy of a well-made cup. It’s a blank canvas for your daily rituals, a warm hug in a mug, and a reminder that sometimes, the most ordinary things can be the most extraordinary.

Now, go forth and sip deeply, latte loyalists. The world is your coffee shop, and every mug is a blank page for your own latte love story. And who knows, maybe you’ll even discover your secret ingredient, your personal touch that elevates this classic beverage to new heights.


Article 3 with Two Modification

This time the prompt defines more criteria to write the topic about 'latte': 'Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction. Do not mention anything about pumpkin, we are just talking about regular latte. Write in the style at an 8th-grade level, please.'
The Third Prompt With More Fine Modification

The third prompt is:

‘Please write a blog post about [latte] and include stats while citing sources. Make sure you cover information that most blogs don’t talk about. And use storytelling in the introduction.
Do not mention anything about pumpkin, we are just talking about regular latte.
Write in the style at an 8th-grade level, please.’

The Latte: Beyond the Foam, a Coffee Detective Story (V03)

Case File: The Caffeinated Mystery

Have you ever heard the whispers of a brewing legend? A tale of smooth espresso and velvety milk, swirling together in a secret society known as… the latte? Forget the sugary suspects and whipped cream clues. Today, we crack the case of the classic latte, a drink with a history richer than its frothy foam.

A Shot of History:

Imagine bustling Italian streets, not fancy cafes, but smoky working-class joints. Back in the 1800s, “caffè e latte” fueled laborers with a quick midday pick-me-up. This wasn’t your fancy latte art Instagram star, just a simple shot of espresso mixed with hot milk. Talk about humble beginnings!

Fast forward to the 1950s. America met Italy, and coffee culture collided in a delicious explosion. Seattle, the coffee capital, embraced the latte, adding the magic touch of steamed milk froth. Boom! The modern latte was born, and it wasn’t shy.

Global Latte Love:

Today, the latte is a jet-setter, loved all over the world. The International Coffee Organization says latte consumption is skyrocketing, especially in Asia! South Korea’s cafes are latte havens, buzzing with social chatter and fueled by endless mugs of creamy goodness. Japan? They’ve turned latte art into an almost artistic crime, with baristas crafting milk masterpieces that would make Van Gogh proud.

The Science of the Sip:

But the latte’s not just about fame and froth. There’s real science behind this coffee champion. The perfect latte is a delicate balance of temperature, pressure, and ratios. Imagine tiny scientists in white coats measuring espresso temperature just right (around 90-96°C) to unlock maximum flavor. Then, they whip up the milk into a silky microfoam, like a fluffy cloud ready to dance on top. Did you know the ideal milk-to-espresso ratio is 2:1? It’s all about achieving that perfect harmony of coffee kick and milky hug.

Beyond the Bean:

The latte story doesn’t end with a happily ever after. Today’s baristas are adventurous, like coffee detectives experimenting with new ingredients. Oat milk, almond milk, even soy milk – the possibilities are endless! And for the flavor fiends, there are whispers of lavender lattes, rose lattes, and even chai lattes (seriously!).

The Verdict:

So, the next time you hold that latte in your hand, remember, that it’s more than just a drink. It’s a time traveler, a cultural icon, and a science experiment all rolled into one. It’s a blank canvas for your own adventures, a warm hug in a mug, and a reminder that sometimes, the simplest things can be the most extraordinary.

Now, go forth and sip deeply, young coffee detectives. The world is your cafe, and every mug is a new chapter in the latte’s never-ending story. Who knows, maybe you’ll even discover your own secret latte ingredient, the one that makes this classic cup sing a whole new tune!.

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for future blog posts where we’ll crack the cases of other coffee conundrums, from the mysterious macchiato to the frothy cappuccino! Stay tuned, and caffeinated!



As I mentioned earlier, I like the third version most: it did not veer off the topic and was easy to read and understand. However, I think there is room for improvement, such as the choice of words, and readability. Regardless of how I think of this AI-generated content, what is your opinion? I love to hear from you.


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